A photo of several golfers taking swings at a practice tee.

May Golf Outing an Unqualified Success

By Amy Korb, Executive Director

The Community Fund’s 33rd annual golf outing was held at Siwanoy Country Club on Monday, May 6. The event was an overwhelming success, with 131 participants enjoying a beautiful day and friendly competition while helping the fund reach its fundraising goal of over $600,000.

The close to $80,000 raised in this year’s golf outing and raffle/auction will support grants to 24 nonprofit organizations and community programs that provide critical services across the Bronxville, Eastchester, and Tuckahoe communities.

The event started with a first-time chipping contest to create excitement among players. Liza Near got the crowd going and made some friendly competition. After an exciting evening playoff, David Agnew came out on top and won a $500 gift certificate to the Siwanoy pro shop.

Our first-ever 50/50 raffle was another winner for the day. Gary Garofalo won the pot but generously donated the proceeds to The Community Fund.

Many thanks to our grand sponsors for the event, Pepe Auto Group and the Raffiani Family Foundation, and our major sponsors, NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital; Exane Inc.; TJM Investments, LLC; Ferretti Group, Inc.; Houlihan O’Malley Real Estate; Elide Building Corp; Hymes and Associates CPA, PC; Park Sterling Real Estate; Bertine, Hufnagel, Headley, Zeltner, Drummond& Dohn LLP; and Houlihan Lawrence Real Estate Centers.

A dedicated team of volunteers pulled together this year’s event, led by golf co-chairs Gary Garofalo and David O’Shaughnessy. Community Fund board chair Bill Rizzo commented: “The strong turnout we had for Monday’s outing couldn’t be more gratifying. It’s a true testament that year after year, so many participate to show their support for the Community Fund’s mission. I can’t thank our sponsors enough, particularly Pepe Auto Group and Raffiani Family Foundation. None of this could happen without them.”

Golf Chair David O’Shaughnessy added. “The event worked out perfectly with fantastic weather and the Siwanoy golf course in beautiful shape. The fact that the lunch and dinner took place in a tent made the day feel more casual and more intimate. A big thanks goes to all the golfers who came out to support the fund and, in the process, enjoyed a spectacular day of golf.”

The Community Fund of Bronxville, Eastchester, and Tuckahoe provides financial assistance and administrative support to nonprofit organizations and community programs that promote the health, education, and welfare of local residents.

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